Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 23- 33 Volpaia

Ciao Tutti!

So I have realized that blogging daily is almost an impossibility.. As you can see, it takes me at least a week to post. But I suppose it is a good thing that I am just that busy and having that much fun over here :) Anyway, I will try not to write a novel, since it has been ten days since I last wrote. I could very well write a novel but I will try to keep it somewhat concise.

As you last heard, I was dining away almost nightly at various "aperitivi" around Florence. I wish you all could experience a true aperitivo.. the food is usually better than anything I ever eat at home but its all "appetizers." Anyway, I wrote that I planned on going to Sunflower on Sunday.. Unfortunately it was cancelled due to the rain that actually came on Sunday night.. but oh well. Instead, on Friday night I went out with Tommaso because my other friends weren't going anywhere and I was bored and wanted to get out of the house. Because mom was using the car, the next obvious choice was to take his "mottorino" AKA a Vespa. And let me tell you... all the stereotypes about Italian vespa drivers are true!! I am a first hand witness to this everyday while standing (somewhat) safely on the sidewalk watching. But in this special case, I was able to get some actual evidence to prove my case. IT WAS SO SCARY! I honestly don't understand how there aren't accidents every five seconds here. Maybe it's because their cars are so small or something? I really don't know.. But alas, I was riding a Vespa through the strees of Firenze! As scary as it was, Tommasso really is a good driver, and I did wear a helmet so don't get worried yet.. We ended up going back to the Bar Argentina with a bunch of his friends. One or two spoke English so I talked with them a little bit, but I mostly listened. It gives me extra practice that most people don't get. So, there was Friday night. My first ride on a scooter, and conversations with Italians!

On Saturday, I hung out at home for the day. Later that night, we had a "girls night" with pizza at Gusta Pizza.. the BEST pizza in all of Florence. And after, we walked to out friend's apartment to hang out before going out. That was my first experience in a discoteca here in Florence. Called "Twice," it is a mostly American hang out with over priced drinks, loud music, no air, and of course, tons of Italian boys. When we walked into the place, there were literally 5 guys to every one girl in there. And let me tell you, they are not shy about making a point of coming over. I think I speak for all the girls there when I say that it feels like a meat market, and the guys are literally there to "pick out" the best product they can find. Needless to say, we did not stay there long.

Sunday, being that Sunflower was cancelled, I slept in. Woke up to eat, and took a nap. When I finally decided to arise for the day, I got up and did some homework. Sunday was mostly uneventful..

Monday, the start of a new week! Back at school in the a.m., home around one for lunch. Nothing too interesting. Homework, dinner, bed.

Tuesday. Somewhat of the same story. Except instead of going home for lunch, I tried this panino shop around the corner from school that has happy hour panini from 12 to 3. For only 3 euro, you get a huge panino with anything you want in it AND a drink. Just a great bargain. The panino was delicious and made having to go back to class less painful. I do miss being able to go home in between classes.. but it's not easy to do when you must take the bus.

Wednesday... more of the same. Except today we had an oral quiz in class. I actually just got my grade back today and got an A-. Not too shabby for making up a skit in 15 minutes! I really do enjoy talking when I can. It just takes a me a little while to formulate the words that I want to say. Anyway, after class I went home. At this point in the week, I have decided to go to Volpaia to visit my grandparents who are in Italy for three weeks! After school I decided which train to catch on Friday to get there. I couldn't believe I was actually going to see the place that my grandpa loves so dearly. I couldn't wait :) Went home to study and write a paper about Neorealism for my film class.

Thursday. First BIG test for Italian. I thought it went okay.... the class is fairly challenging because it goes at such a fact pace but the test didn't seem so bad. For lunch I went to Gusta Pizza to celebrate being done with my paper and finishing the test. After that, I went home and finally took a break. That night, Kelly, Tommaso and I went to this the William which is a fairly popular bar. We met up with Mirko, Tommaso's friend, and some of Kelly's friends. Kelly really likes beer so she always orders the strongest thing they have. It was pretty fun night sitting an talking over our dark beer [Side note to Tobin if you read this: I have to admit, I am beginning to like beer a little bit more, and not just "yellow fizzy water" beerm but the REAL stuff :)] After that, Tommaso drove us home and I crashed out.

Friday: Wake up around 10. Pack for Volpaia, and catch the bus to the train station. I still can't believe I am on my way there! What a life I have! I catch a 1:13 p.m. train and the ride takes about 45 minutes to get to Montevarchi... a town close-ish to Volpaia. Grandma and their driver Patricio are there waiting for me at the station! It has been a year since I have seen my grandparents and I have never been in Italy with them! I feel so happy to see a familiar face, that it kind of makes a little homesick. But I get over it quickly and we are on our way up the mountain to Volpaia! For those of you who have never been to Tuscany, Chianti region is what you envision when people say "Italy." At least that is tue for my vision. It is the setting of "Under the Tuscan Sun"... Eat, Pray, Love... and every other Italy set film out there. Simply breathtaking. By the time we made to Volpaia, I couldn't believe I was actually there. Volpaia was almost the way I had imagined it.. Small, and quieter than any place I've ever been.I arrived around 3 p.m. and we walked down to Bar-Ucci to get a cappucino but I had a feeling it was more so that my grandpa could introduce me to all these characters I've only ever read about in his book. At 4:30, a group of American tourists who had spent the week in Volpaia wanted to throw Paola, one of the Bar owners, a surprise birthday party. They asked my grandpa if he wanted to sing for her, and of course, he agreed. I have never heard my grandpa turn down a chance to sing. Especially in his most special place. Anyway, he sang two songs for the congregation and of course everyone broke intp applause at the end. It's not everyday that you hear an 83 year old man burst out in song, especially that song being opera. That night we dined at La Bottega, the restaurant about 20 feet from the bar, run by Paola's sister, Carla. After our meal, she asked grandpa to sing again, and he sang with her for the rest of the guests to hear. I love to see the reactions on people's faces when they realize what is happening across the room from them. I have had the priviledge to see these expressions for years now. For dinner I ordered the rabbit.. Yes, I know... not typical. But I wanted to give it a chance. The verdict: That was probably the first and last time I will be eating rabbit. All the same, it was a good experience and I am glad I tried it. Other than that, the food was delicious and I hope to go back to La Bottega again someday.

Saturday: Woke up at eight, got dressed and went down to the Bar with miei nonni (grandparents). Grandpa has a particular spot that he prefers to sit in so when we got down there, he was happty to see his table vacant. I ordered a capuccino and they un caffe. They planned to take me down to see their friend's vineyard and into Radda to go grocery shopping. The vineyard was magical. I got my own private tour of the winery and got to taste the the wine straight from the barrel! It was an amazing experience, and again, I am so blessed to be here! After the tour, we went to Radda to go grocery shopping and it was there that I actually purchased my first "real" bottle of wine. It was the wine shop of the vineyard I had just seen and Paolo's son was working there. I got to taste three different wines and choose my favorite. I went with a 2006 Doccio and Matteo, Chianti Classico. Made right where I was standing moments before! I feel like a true wine connoisseur now :). After the tasting, we went to have lunch at Ristorante Badia e Coltibuono in Gaiole in Chianti. The view from our outside patio table was amazing. Grandma and I went for the gustazione, which is like a full course menu of pre-chosen items. Basically, I dined on five courses of deliciousness! It was so much food but I ate every bite. If I could bring my all of you there, I would. Of all the places I have dined at so far, this place is one of the best. After lunch (three hours later) we headed back to Volpaia, squash blossoms and wine in hand. That night Grandma made my favorite dish, squash blossoms with cheese, eggs, and bread crumbs. I only ever get to eat that when I go to Seattle so it was a real treat :)

Sunday: My last day in Volpaia :( Tommaso and Kelly have offered to come pick me up, which was nice of them because then I didn't have to get a ride to the train. In the morning I went down to the Bar with Grandpa again, and we sat and talked for a while. He and grandma just wanted to stay in town for the day, which was fine my me. Oh and Grandma made me scrambled eggs in the morning which I was extremely grateful for because I haven't had scrambled eggs in forever... Italians don't eat eggs like that. But anyway, I sat down at the Bar for a while, had lunch with them, and people watched. I went back up to the house for a little while but it was too quiet so I found my way back to the Bar. Around the time that Tom and Kelly were coming, they thunder started and it began to rain lightly. The rain here is quite tropical so it is never actually cold. But soon after I sat down, I had a phone call from Kelly saying that they were there. I gave them a short tour of the town, and their villa. But it came to saying goodbye, I actually got a little teary-eyed. Especially since I won't see anyone else for a couple months. I asked grandpa if he would sing for them in the church because I wanted Kelly to see what I had been talking about. I think Kelly, Tommaso, and Mirko were very surprised when they heard grandpa's voice.. the look on their faces was priceless. I was very excited that I got to share that with them. After that, we left and started the curvy ride down the mountain. On the way out of town, we stopped in Greve to go wine tasting at this one shop that Tommaso knew of. It was very cool and we had fun walking around and checking out different labels. After, Mirko invited us over for dinner at his place so we dropped him off and continued back into Florence. I basically dropped off my stuff and we went to dinner. Again, delicious food... All men back home should be able to cook like Mirko. He said he learned how because he had to feed his little sister when they were younger! HA! Imagine that boys?! :)

Well, this is probably my longest entry yet, and I hope you all are not bored our of your minds... I just had  A LOT to say. And I could have said even more believe it or not... But I will let you all get back to your lives. I hope everything is well for you and if you have any questions for me or just want to say hello, please email me!

I love you all very much!


Grandpa and his villa :)

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